June 14, 2008

Sunsets in my mind

I'm fascinated with how the sun sets itself in the horizon. This phenomenon gives a poignant thought in me thinking that a day full of happines, struggles and hope bids goodbye to make way for another sunrise the following morning.

When I started photography, the sun has been one of my favorite subjects. I've always dreamt of capturing a full bodied sun yet until this writing I'm still unlucky. The photo on the right was my first attempt but it seemed that it wasn't my time yet. Manila sky became so cloudy that afternoon and only an orangey sky concluded my day! My second photo may seem a sucess yet I'm still not satisfied. I became helpless. How would I be able to capture the sun's full glamour while setting down slowly? One of my good friends gave me a sensible suggestion. Back then, I was using Olympus FE-170, a compact digital camera which I used for a year. She mentioned that since there will be no way for me to adjust the settings of my camera, images are captured automatically, thus I have no way to focus on my subject accurately. "It would have been better for you to get a DSLR... and see the difference.", she added. That's when I thought of getting my first digital SLR cam.

Below is an example of my most recent shot:

The result may not be how I want it to but this is better than my previous one. The original image is a bit pale so I decided to run it through my own digital dark room, the Photoshop. I adjusted the toning, a bit of cropping to release the photos potential. The photo looks better now, I think!

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The Bloom - Photo by Deborah Sangre Baisa Rulona


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